Six persons belonging to the same family were killed after their car rammed into a stationary truck in Rajasthan’s Bikaner, police said. The incident took place near the Mahajan police station area which is around 100km from Bikaner. All the deceased were traveling in a car and were residents of Dabwali in Haryana. According to police, a speeding car travelling from Dabwali in Punjab to Bikaner collided with a parked truck from behind. Also Read:Sharad Pawar-led NCP faction leader’s son rams SUV into poultry tempo in Pune The impact was such that the front portion of the car was completely damaged. Emergency responders had to extract the bodies by cutting through the wreckage of the car. Mahajan police station SHO (station house officer) Kashyap Singh said six people including women and children died in the accident. Five people died on the spot while a girl succumbed to injuries at the hospital.