Mumbai: The wedding reception of an interfaith couple was cancelled in Vasai West last Sunday, incidentally, after Suresh Chavhanke, the editor-in-chief of Sudarshan News, shared the wedding invite on his Twitter handle, linking the event to the murder of Shraddha Walker, a Vasai resident
Mumbai: The wedding reception of an interfaith couple was cancelled in Vasai West last Sunday, incidentally, after Suresh Chavhanke, the editor-in-chief of Sudarshan News, shared the wedding invite on his Twitter handle, linking the event to the murder of Shraddha Walker, a Vasai resident. Over 12,000 people engaged with Chavhanke’s tweet alleging ‘love jihad.’
Social media was abuzz with rumours that right-wing elements stopped the reception, however, on Saturday, the parents of the couple clarified the marriage had already taken place and they had to cancel the reception due to a death in the family.
According to the Manikpur police, the bride’s parents - Chandrika and Bipin Dudhrejiya informed them that their daughter Divya and Imran Mukadam tied the knot a month back before the marriage registrar and they had arranged for a reception ceremony on Sunday, November 20.
“The parents told us that due to a death in the family they have cancelled the reception at Vishwakarma Hall in Anand Nagar but went ahead with a low-key garland exchanging ceremony in a temple in presence of close relatives,” said a police officer from Manikpur police station.
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