Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla inaugurated a parliamentary outreach programme for the empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir at Sher-i-Kashmir International Convention Centre, Srinagar and said arrangements will be made by Lok Sabha secretariat for capacity-building programmes for representatives of PRIs in the UT
Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla inaugurated a parliamentary outreach programme for the empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir at Sher-i-Kashmir International Convention Centre, Srinagar and said arrangements will be made by Lok Sabha secretariat for capacity-building programmes for representatives of PRIs in the UT.
The programme was also attended by lieutenant governor Manoj Sinha and Union ministers.
Birla said: “Empowered panchayats will make our democracy stronger and increase confidence of people.” He said a democracy connects diversities. He said the collective force can help overcome adversities that impede progress.
He said J&K is on the path of peace, progress and development. The Speaker said, “Coordinated efforts by democratic institutions at the grassroots level will take development to the last man standing.”
He said J&K has the potential and skill in the fields of tourism, handicrafts and agri-products and democratic institutions should work on providing a marketing platform to them at the national and international levels.
Birla said he will suggest parliamentary standing committees to undertake regular study visits to far-flung areas in J&K and Ladakh to understand the ground realities and possible solutions.
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News/Cities/Others/ LS Speaker inaugurates outreach programme for PRI empowerment in J&K