CBSE Class 10 Science Board Exam 2024: Get sample question papers, know marking scheme
Class X students attempting the science subject on March 2, 2024, can find the sample paper released by the board on the official website.
Sample question paper are available on the official website of CBSE for students attempting the board examinations.

Class X students attempting the science subject on March 2, 2024, can find the sample paper released by the board on the official website. Students can download it from the academic website of the board,
Along with the sample question paper, students can also access the marking scheme of the subjects that was released by the Board. In this way, students can now understand how marks are being granted for the answers and prepare accordingly.
How to download CBSE Class 10 Science Sample Papers 2024
(1) Go to the academic website
(2) Open the sample question paper tab and then click on SQP 2023-24
(3) Select your class
(4) The list of subject-wise Sample Question Papers (SQPs) and marking scheme will be displayed
(5) Choose Science from the list of subjects.
(6) Along with the sample question paper, the marking scheme of the question paper can be found on the website. The board has released the answer to the sample question paper along with the designated marks for students to understand the way marks are allotted for answers presented.
Class X Sample Question Papers and Marking Scheme