TS LAWCET result 2022 declared, know how to download rank card
TS LAWCET result 2022: The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has declared the result of the Law Common entrance test (LAWCET) and postgraduate law common entrance test (PGLCET) on Wednesday, August 17.
The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has declared the result of the Law Common entrance test (LAWCET) and postgraduate law common entrance test (PGLCET) on Wednesday, August 17.
Candidates can now check and download their scorecards from the official website lawcet.tsche.ac.in.
The LAWCET and PGLCET 2022 exams were held on July 21 and 22, 2022.
The answer key was released on July 26, 2022 and candidates were allowed to raise objections till July 28, 2022.
TS Law Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET- 2022) is conducted for admitting students into 3 / 5 years law courses (LL.B.) and TS PG Law Common Entrance Test (TSPGLCET-2022) is conducted for admitting students into LL.M courses offered by State Universities in Telangana State and its affiliated colleges.
The exam was conducted for a total of 120 marks. The qualifying percentage of marks in the TS LAWCET is 35% (i.e. 42 marks out of total 120 marks). There is no minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST category candidates for ranking.
However, the qualifying percentage of marks in the TS PGLCET is 25% (i.e. 30 marks out of total 120 marks).
Here’s how to check TS LAWCET results:
Visit the official website lawcet.tsche.ac.in
Click on “Download rank card” under the online application tab
Enter your Lawcet hall ticket no and date of birth
Click on “view rank card”
Your rank card will appear on the screen
Check and download for future purposes
Here is the direct link to the scorecard. Click here.