
Fancy a last minute mistletoe romance for the zodiacs? Venus squaring Uranus today is setting the stage!

Dec 28, 2024 06:06 PM IST

The year may be ending for us but the cosmos has its motors running round the clock. And on that Venus squares Uranus today as one of 2024's last cosmic events

You may want some respite in the last few mere days that are left of 2024, falling into a comfy routine of (pretending to) work and leisure. But there's no stopping the cosmos, is there. Today, December 28, is when Venus, currently stationed in Aquarius, squares Uranus, currently in retrograde in Taurus. What does it spell out? Many mistletoe kisses (or at least the beginnings of them!)

Venus squares Uranus retrograde today: Say hello to a last-minute shakeup in your love lives!
Venus squares Uranus retrograde today: Say hello to a last-minute shakeup in your love lives!

Just to give you some context of the themes currently involved in the discourse, Venus is the planet of love, beauty and romance, currently in Aquarius, the zodiac sign known for its rebellious streak and penchant for all things new, material and beyond. Uranus on the other hand represents change, freedom and originality and is currently in retrograde in the zodiac sign of Taurus which is best captured via their stubborn, sensual and very determined nature. So a romantic BOOM is definitely on the cards and here's what the zodiac signs can anticipate for the following few days, be it in the literal sense, for yourself or in an area of your life which has been embodying Achilles' Heel energy. You know what we mean.

Fire signs

Aries are likely to have a fun weekend on the cards and are in a very social mood. But they must keep their head on straight through all the merrymaking as chances of going over budget (just because the times are so good!) are high. Leos will be thriving as both your professional and romantic lives will be craving some one-on-one time and like the perfectionist that you are, you will be living the best of both worlds. Sagittarians will feel an overwhelming need to get their routine in order, something that may leave them with time to go down a road which they will be very grateful they chose.

Earth signs

All Taurians are tapping into their self love, especially when gauging if the career or job you're in is serving your highest good and bringing you the caliber of rewards you truly think you deserve. For Virgos, military-grade planning is all well and good and helps you keep your head on straight — but if you let go and let lose just this one weekend, magic may come wrap you up in a lasting embrace. If anybody deserves the 'treat yo'self' mentality it's Capricorns — you may find yourself OD-ing on the self love and land yourself in a budget pinch; just ask yourself if you need this or are you acting from your ego?

Air signs

Geminis are the most likely to end up Marie Kwondo-ing a redundant facet of their mindset. And you know what they say, once you let go of things that aren't serving you, you make space for the things (or people, *wink wink*) that are truly meant for you. And we know that Libras love their individuality but they must get ready to be completely disarmed by a potential love interest. Aquarians are being urged to prioritise self-love, even though they may feel too thinly spread out when it comes to their familial obligations.

Water signs

A significant relationship in your life may be going through a major change of their own and while this will of course impact you, you are going to find the better sense to find grounding in the moment as opposed to being swept away in emotions. For Scorpios, relationships may be tested but it's the sweet end of the deal for you as you will realise how valued you are. And as for Pisces, the intuition fairy is rapping a double knock at your door — open up a journal, brew yourself some hot tea, and let her in!

Ready to shake things up then?

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