The XBB1.16.1 has been found across 13 states and Union Territories, including Delhi, Gujarat, and Haryana, the data showed.
Amid a spurt in fresh Covid infections, 234 cases of XBB1.16.1 mutated sub-variant have been found in the country, according to INSACOG data. XBB1.16.1 is a mutation of Omicron's infectious XBB1.16 variant. The XBB1.16.1 has been found across 13 states and Union Territories, including Delhi, Gujarat, and Haryana, the data showed.
India recorded 5,676 new coronavirus infections, while the active cases increased to 37,093 on Tuesday. (HT FILE PHOTO)
According to the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) data, 1,774 cases of the XBB1.16 variant have been found across 22 states and Union Territories, the data showed.