‘Skullbreaker’ challenge on TikTok is so dangerous it can break your skull
Authorities have warned people not to try ‘Skullbreaker’ challenge.
After penny challenge and flashlight in eye trend, TikTok users have again come up with such a challenge which has the potential to cause serious harm – including head injuries. This time, even the name of the challenge carries a note of caution – it’s called ‘Skullbreaker’ challenge. It goes without saying that it’s a challenge which you should never try.
The challenge got its name from the Spanish word Rompcráneos. When translated, it means ‘Skullbreaker’ in English.
Many school students have taken this challenge and filmed themselves doing so. Some even ended up in intensive care after taking the challenge, reports Mirror.
Several videos of the ‘Skullbreaker’ challenge are being shared across various social media platforms. In the video, three people perform the challenge together – with one standing in middle and other two at sides. The two students standing at sides count to three and they jump up. As they land, the third – standing in the middle – jumps. Instantly, the two standing at sides kick the feet of the third one away and that person crashes to the ground.
Here’s one such video:
The challenge became such a craze among young TikTok users of Spanish city of Granada that the police issued a warning stating that the stunt is extremely dangerous, reports Mirror.