Fitness tips: Yoga asanas for 5 most common gynaecological problems
Yoga is a holistic solution that can help relieve irregular or infrequent menses, bleeding between menses, PCOS and PCOD without any side effects. Check out these Yoga asanas that can help with common gynaecological problems.
Menstruation or periods (as they are commonly called) are a very essential part of a woman's life as this is an indication that a woman is able to conceive. Regular menses is extremely healthy and also a sign of her well being.

Common gynaecological problems
There are a number of issues that women may face with relation to their periods. For example irregular periods, intense pain from cramps, mood swings etc are some of the things a woman has to deal with. Yoga is a holistic solution that can help relieve the symptoms without any side effects. Here are some ways that yoga can help common gynaecological problems.
1. Irregular menses
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddha Akshar, shared, “Prevention can be done through an active lifestyle. Women should be engaged in exercises like walking, climbing and squatting. Stress and problems are inevitable but the key to a healthy life is to handle your emotions irrespective of the situation. Stress and anxiety can lead to irregular menses although this is not something to worry about. In some cases, the problem could also be genetic.”
2. What yoga poses, mudras, and pranayamas can be done for oligomenorrhea or infrequent menses?
“Most of us live a very sedentary life where our daily routine doesn’t involve enough physically activity. It is advisable for women to spend some time doing various forward folding asanas. Such asanas boost intra-abdominal compression and correct abdominal and pelvic disorders,” revealed Himalayan Siddha Akshar. He suggested the following Yoga asanas:
a) Trikonasana - Triangle Pose
b) Back bending asanas like Chakrasana - Wheel Pose allow stretching of deep abdominal muscles. This is healthy and causes positive changes in the intra-abdominal viscera and in turn influences hormonal secretions.
c) Dhanurasana or bow pose is an great yogic posture that brings relief not just from oligomenorrhea but many other gynaecological disorders as well.
d) Side bending asanas like Tiryaka Tadasana stimulates the pelvic organs and can be very favourable for women who undergo infrequent menses.
e) Konasana - Angle Pose and Pavanmuktasana - Wind Releasing Pose also help soften the abdominal area.
f) Breathing techniques like inhaling little by little and getting the abdomen in gently while doing so will also aid in menstrual problems.
g) Kumbhak techniques where you inhale and hold the breath
Along with these poses, there should be good nutrition where foods rich in iron and folic acid should be consumed. This can make a lot of difference. During menses the Yoga techniques that should be practiced include relaxing in Makarasana or the crocodile pose, Shavasana or the corpse pose and to strengthen the abdominal muscles, diagrammatic breathing should be done.
3. What asanas, techniques can be performed for metrorrhagia (bleeding between menses)?
According to Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Pranayama like Brahmari and Anulom Vilom can be done. Apart from this, Yoga asanas such as Baddhakonasana or the butterfly pose can be done regularly to strengthen your pelvic muscles.
4. PCOS and PCOD
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome commonly known as PCOS or PCOD is one of the most common hormonal endocrine disorders affecting women between the 15 to 30-years age group. Characterised by ovarian cysts, PCOS is a metabolic disorder that leads to a decrease in female sex hormones. This causes women to develop certain male characteristics such as excessive hair on the face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes. Other symptoms may also include acne, pelvic pain, and infertility.
What asanas, mudras and pranayamas would you recommend for those suffering from PCOS and PCOD?
Himalayan Siddha Akshar recommended doing some asanas regularly for at least 10 mins everyday. Asanas like the following help:
a) Bhadrasana,
b) Bhujangasana,
c) Shalbanasanas,
d) Talasana,
e) Konasana,
f) Chakrasana,
g) Sukhasana the happy pose for 5 to 10 mins twice a day
These asanas can be done five times a day for 10 mins would help bring about lifestyle changes that are necessary.

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