Hydrating summer drinks to prepare at home and skip unnecessary liquid calories
The simple summer mantra is to stay refreshed, stay healthy and stay hydrated with water but sometimes one needs something pleasing for the taste buds.
Summers in India are not going to chill soon, which burns up the energy and dehydrates one and the only solution to this is to drink a lot of fluids. Water is an obvious solution but sometimes one needs something pleasing for the taste buds however, the problem arises if someone is on a fitness journey and wants to cut down on unnecessary liquid calories.

The catch is that not every drink has to be loaded with sugar. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Miten Kakaiya, Fitness Coach and Founder of Miten Says Fitness, listed two hydrating summer drinks that one can opt for while cut down on unnecessary liquid calories:
1. Coconut Water - A drink that takes little to no prep time (assuming the coconut has been cut open!), a chilled glass of coconut water does wonders for your health in the summers and leaves you completely revitalised. The fact that it contains electrolytes only makes it that much more appealing!
2. Buttermilk - A cold glass of fresh buttermilk soothes every inch of your body. Made with yoghurt which is naturally cooling, this drink also helps with digestion issues during the summers. You can even consider adding some sugar-free to it and make a nice sweet lassi so that it still packs a punch when it comes to taste and health benefits!
Dr Amreen Shaikh, Dietician at Mumbai Central's Wockhardt Hospital, shared the recipes of two summer drinks to prepare at home:
1. Kokum lime mix
-200ml water
-2 tbsp kokum syrup
-2tsp honey
-Ice cubes
-1/4 tsp Cumin powder
-1/4 tsp black salt
-1 lemon
Mix all and enjoy the refreshing mix
2. Orange fusion
-100ml fresh orange juice mixed with 1 freshly squeezed lemon.
-Add a pinch of black salt and some ice cubes
Dr Amreen Shaikh said, “With summer comes high temperature, leaving everyone sweaty and fatigued. Being hydrated is the most important to maintaining good health. Water is the most important drink required by the body due to excessive sweating but other summer hydrating coolants are also very satisfying not only for the thirst but also to keep the body cool and refreshing.” She listed some of the refreshing drinks to beat the heat:
1) Buttermilk - It is not only refreshing but also a source of protein, calcium and phosphorus and is easily available by all.
2) Coconut water - It also provides energy to the body and necessary minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes.
3) Aam Panna - Very popular Maharashtrian drink in the season of summer which is made of mango pulp, mint leaves, Jeera and cumin seeds which acts as natural coolant.
4) Nimbu Pani - The best drink to refresh your mind and body in a sunny day with some vitamin C in it.
5) Sugarcane Juice- A good energy drink with a natural remedy to help build up plasma and body fluids and help with dehydration and dullness.
It’s important to watch your diet, especially in the summers. It’s important to stay healthy and even more important to stay informed and never forget this simple summer mantra: stay refreshed, stay healthy and stay hydrated!

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