Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for February 24, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs
Horoscope Today: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for February 24.
The positions of the sun, moon and planets determine our daily horoscope. Each sign has its own characteristics and traits which tell us a lot about a person’s personality. Now wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? So, go ahead and find out whether the odds are in your favour today.

* Aries (March 21-April 20): Monetarily, you remain comfortable. A home remedy may not prove effective in curing an ailment. Wealth through inheritance or gift cannot be ruled out. Thorough preparation will hold you in good stead in a competitive situation on the academic front. Business trips will gain frequency and bring better opportunities. Marriage is likely to be fixed for the eligible in the family. You may decide to pay a surprise visit to a friend or relative staying out of town.
Love Focus: Your attempts to win over an opposite number may not initially succeed, but perseverance will pay!
Lucky Colour: Dark Pink
Lucky Alphabet: G
Friendly Numbers: 7, 9
Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Scorpio
Be careful of: Aquarius
* Taurus (April 21-May 20): Those travelling for fun will be able to derive much pleasure in the company of friends. Only if you are financially sound should you go for a new venture. It is important to switch over to healthy food and totally avoid junk food if you want to retain your health. Converting existing property into builder floors is possible for some. Those seeking admission can expect positive developments on the academic front. Things pending for long may need to be completed soon, before they come to the notice of higher ups. Homemakers will need to infuse some excitement in their monotonous routine life.
Love Focus: Equations may need to be rewritten in a relationship.
Lucky Colour: Bluish Green
Lucky Alphabet: A
Friendly Numbers: 4, 11
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Cancer
Be careful of: Leo
* Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Those with the desire to make a lot of money can expect a field day today! Don’t try to wallow in make-believe ailments as your health turns out to be excellent. The day is auspicious to buy gold or jewellery. Problem solving with the help of knowledgeable people assumes importance on the academic front at this juncture. Someone opposed to your ideas at work may not let you have your way. Good relations amongst family members will translate into a peaceful coexistence. Choosing the right mode of travel is likely to make the journey comfortable.
Love Focus: Those not on talking terms with spouse will do well to take the initiative in mending fences.
Lucky Colour: White
Lucky Alphabet: R
Friendly Numbers: 3, 5
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Scorpio
Be careful of: Pisces
* Cancer (Jun 22-July 22): Good budgeting will help in keeping the expenditure under control. A healthy mix of diet and exercise can do wonders. Acquiring a new property may be on your mind. You may find yourself more inclined to pursue something intellectual. Professional competitors may seem to take a different route, but will be tackled effectively. Solid efforts will be required to make things move on the domestic front, but you will succeed. The day may find you busy preparing for a long journey to meet your near and dear ones.
Love Focus: Little time that you spend with lover today may not satiate your appetite for romance!
Lucky Colour: Dark Yellow
Lucky Alphabet: D
Friendly Numbers: 10, 18
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Aquarius
Be careful of: Capricorn
* Leo (July 23-August 23): You will strive to achieve good focus by new meditative techniques. If you are a property owner, you get a chance to multiply your immovable assets. There is a bright chance of performing beyond your expectations on the academic front. Your intelligence and gift of gab is likely to swing a job in your favour. Family responsibilities will give little time for enjoyment, so it is for you to find time. A vacation is likely to materialise for some and may prove quite exciting. You may have to dig deep into your pockets to fund a project that is important to someone close.
Love Focus: Those romantically inclined are likely to make some headway on the love front.
Lucky Colour: Indigo
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Lucky Alphabet: E
Friendly Numbers: 8, 14
Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aquarius
Be careful of: Gemini
* Virgo (August 24-September 23): It is not essential to avail all eating opportunities. Luck is likely to shine for those who have applied for a house or plot. Raising money for higher education will not be much of a problem. Success on the career front is just around the corner, so get set for the good news! Family responsibilities will give little time for enjoyment, so it is for you to find time. Choose your mode of travel carefully for comfort sake. You will manage to plan your expenditure accurately and keep within the budget.
Love Focus: Your love for food is likely to attract a like-minded member of the opposite sex.
Lucky Colour: Crimson
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 1, 14
Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Capricorn
* Libra (September 24-October 23): All issues pertaining to money will need to be sorted out to the satisfaction of all concerned. A fine balance of exercise and diet will find you full of energy. Giving out property on rent at favourable terms and conditions is indicated for some property owners. Those participating in extracurricular activities on the academic front will create a name for themselves. Professional opportunities are likely to dry up, so become proactive to keep them coming. Diffuse a controversy before it gets ignited to ruin domestic peace and harmony. You will have to choose a better mode of conveyance, if you want to reach your destination in good time.
Love Focus: You will succeed in getting love and affection back into your life through your own efforts.
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Alphabet: N
Friendly Numbers: 7, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Cancer
Be careful of: Pisces
* Scorpio (October 24-November 22): An outing with friends or siblings will be pure fun, so get set to enjoy your heart out today! Difficulty in repaying a loan is likely, but will be solved as money comes from an unexpected source. Ensure food and drinks are partaken in hygienic surroundings. A property booked by you may come into your possession now. Your focus may waver on the academic front and affect your performance. Deliberate upon the pros and cons of a proposal before giving the nod. Family life will prove immensely satisfying as great bonhomie amongst family members prevails.
Love Focus: You will get the chance to share your romantic feelings with the special one in your life.
Lucky Colour: Dark Yellow
Lucky Alphabet: J
Friendly Numbers: 4, 8
Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Sagittarius
Be careful of: Taurus
* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): An unexpected expenditure will need to be absorbed through your savings. Taking good care of yourself is the first step in ensuring good health. Good returns from real estate are foreseen for property owners. You will be able to maintain your performance on the academic front at the highest level. This is certainly the day when you will achieve your fondest dreams on the career front. Avoid your mood swings dominating your relationships. A family youngster travelling out of city or abroad may get you worried, but he or she will manage fine.
Love Focus: A great time is assured for those in love as you manage to realize your romantic aspirations.
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Alphabet: S
Friendly Numbers: 8, 12
Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Aries
Be careful of: Leo
* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): Good earning opportunities will be near enough for you to seize them. Frustrations bottled within may manifest themselves as health problems, so take up meditation or yoga to de-stress. A deal that seemed all but lost may come to you. Stars are favourable enough for you to ace a competition or excel in academics. An initiative taken at the right time is likely to save you a lot of hassles on the professional front. Family may find it difficult to support your ideas, even though they seem realistic enough. Accompanying someone you get along well with on a journey will prove immensely entertaining.
Love Focus: Your love life can experience some hiccups, if you don’t do something about it.
Lucky Colour: Olive Green
Lucky Alphabet: K
Friendly Numbers: 3, 6
Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Libra
Be careful of: Aquarius
* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): Carry adequate cash for a transaction as it can fall short. Include healthy items in your diet plan, if you don’t want to get laid low by lifestyle diseases. Legal proceedings in a property matter are likely to take a favourable turn. Some extra time may need to be devoted on the academic front, but it will be in your interest. You will need to keep family at low priority to clear pending work at the office by devoting extra hours. Homemakers will find time to achieve much on the domestic front and may even organise a family get-together. Showing places around in the city to someone who has arrived from outside is possible today.
Love Focus: Get ready for love from the word goes, if you want to make the day a romantic success!
Lucky Colour: Brown
Lucky Alphabet : M
Friendly Numbers: 2, 4
Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Scorpio
Be careful of: Gemini
* Pisces (February 20-March 20): A property booked by you may come into your possession. Someone you are banking on may feel reluctant to put in a good word for you on the academic front. You may have high expectations about accomplishing something quickly at work, but circumstances may dictate otherwise. Children will manage to get into the good books of their parents by doing what is expected of them. Some of you may plan a getaway just to be away from the daily humdrum. Receipt of previous arrears will make you financially stronger and enable you to realise your dreams. A change in routine is likely to get positive results on the health front.
Love Focus: Your romantic aspirations are likely to be fulfilled in full measure today!
Lucky Colour: Light Red
Lucky Alphabet: E
Friendly Numbers: 5, 10
Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Leo
Be careful of: Virgo
The astrologer can be contacted at psharma@premastrologer.com or support@askmanisha.com