Harshada Babrekar, senior researcher at Science Park, Savitribai Phule Pune University talks about how her alma mater helped shaped her career
Harshada Babrekar has been a member of Lila Poonawala Foundation since 2001. She is also a recipient Lila Poonawalla Foundation fellowship. Babrekar has 12 publications in international scientific journals and has at least 12 years of experience in the teaching field. Currently she is a member of Indian Physics Association, Pune chapter and Indian Women Scientists’ Association. She talks about how her alma mater helped shaped her career.
Harshada Babrekar, senior researcher at Science Park, Savitribai Phule Pune University(HT/PHOTO)
Describe Harshada, the student.
I completed my MSc in 2001 and PhD in 2009 in Physics. I studied at the department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).
I was an average student till Class 12. However, I improved when I started preparing for BSc. Working in Lila Poonawala Foundation gave me the confidence and a ‘you can do it’ attitude.
How did your career evolve?
I used to like concepts and experiments related to Physics and this curiosity drove me to chose this career path. At the department of Physics, SPPU, I got good exposure and was able to meet experts in the field. I also got hands-on experience and could conduct different experiments. My career is going very well. When my scientific research papers are published it is a high. However, the waiting period till the papers get published is are a low.
What future plans?
At present I am working as senior researcher at Science Park, SPPU. We are working for science popularisation, development of new experiments, conducting various camps for school children. I would like to continue the same and use my doctoral knowledge and experience for further development.
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News/Cities/Pune News/ Alumni connect: Lila Poonawalla Foundation gave me ‘you can do it’ attitude, says Babrekar