Haryana chief minister ML Khattar on Saturday said the hindrances coming in the way of construction of the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway were being removed and work on the project would start soon.
Haryana chief minister ML Khattar on Saturday said the hindrances coming in the way of construction of the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) Expressway were being removed and work on the project would start soon.
The 136-km KMP Expressway project has been delayed by over five years and is entangled in legal and financial complications.
Khattar, who was interacting with mediapersons in Sonepat, to another question pertaining to his visits to districts, said he was visiting all districts of the state and had receiving more than 500 complaints from people in an hour. These included long-pending complaints as well as new ones, he said.
To another question, the chief minister said the grievances redressal system had been revamped and responsibility of officers was fixed to redress them in a time-bound manner.
If a grievance of a person would not be addressed, the officer would call the complainant and explain the reasons for the same, the CM said. "We will work as a responsible government and shall succeed in it," he added.
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News/Cities/Others/ KMP Expressway construction to start soon, says Khattar