Chief minister Virbhadra Singh on Monday said that during the financial year 2015-16, a budget provision of Rs 884.20 crore had been made for the construction of roads, bridges and buildings and procurement of machinery, which is 8.20 % more than the budget for the previous year.
Chief minister Virbhadra Singh on Monday said that during the financial year 2015-16, a budget provision of Rs 884.20 crore had been made for the construction of roads, bridges and buildings and procurement of machinery, which is 8.20 % more than the budget for the previous year.
"These figures indicate that the government is giving priority to this sector and focusing on works of roads and bridges," he said, while replying to the discussion on cut motion moved by BJP legislators.
Since the inception of PMGSY scheme in 2000-2001 till date, the state has obtained sanction amounting to Rs 3,035 crore for 2,381 road works, including missing bridges. The state has constructed 1,839 rural roads with a road length of 10,634 km at a cost of Rs 2,024 crore. It has helped in providing all weather road connectivity to 3,269 habitations in the state. Presently, 542 roads with a length of 3,039 km are under construction.
He also said, under the Central Roads Fund, 14 bridges amounting to Rs 56 crore had been sanctioned. In addition to this, project amounting to Rs 37 crore, under interstate connectivity, had also been approved. Efforts to get maximum assistance under this head shall be made during the year 2015-16.
He added that due to paucity of funds in the state, they were able to lay renewal coat only on a length of about 1,600 km every year.
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News/Cities/Others/ Rs 884.20 crore allocated for roads, bridges in state: CM Virbhadra Singh