In Gurgaon constituency, 16 candidates filed their nominations. BJP candidate Mukesh Sharma, Mohit Grover from Congress, AAP candidate Nishant Anand, and independent candidates Naveen Goyal, Ravinder Kumar, and Gaurav Bhati are among those who submitted their papers. Gurgaon returning officer and SDM Ravinder Kumar received the nominations
One of the central demands of the group is that all infrastructure development must follow a structured approval process, requiring proper licences and environmental clearances before implementation. The group is also pushing for strict enforcement of the handover policy by builders, a proposal initially submitted in 2022, to ensure timely delivery of projects and avoid delays that annoy homebuyers
Musician Satinder Sartaaj is all set to weave his musical magic at a live show in Gurugram. Read on to know the venue details and how to book the tickets.
The day of Sept 12 promises to offer loads if you wish to explore the culture of Delhi-NCR. Before you plan your day, check out HT City Delhi Junction on Insta!