The Mumbai Police's Economic Offences Wing has registered a case regarding alleged irregularities in the procurement of Remdesivir by the BMC during the pandemic. The agency has named Mylan Laboratories and unknown BMC officials as accused in the case. The fraud is estimated at INR 5.96 crore. BJP leader Kirit Somaiya filed a complaint, alleging that the civic body purchased the injection at a higher cost than prevailing prices and lacked details on the distribution of the injections. The EOW is also investigating a Covid-19 body bag scam.
According to the officials, as many as 2.70 lakh vials of Remdesivir injections were procured by the health department for Pune district since the outbreak of Covid-19. Out of this stock, as many as 1.56 lakh vials were utilised while the remaining 1.13 lakh vials got wasted in three years’ time
In an hour-long drill carried out at the Covid-19 ward building in the hospital, officials reviewed the preparedness of the hospital in attending to the patients in case of a rise in the number of Covid patients
After the remdesivir black marketing episode came into light, an FIR was lodged on April 21 at the Noida Sector 20 police station based on a complaint by drug inspector Vaibhav Babbar