
Boss asks an employee to work less, Reddit reacts

ByVrinda Jain
Jul 12, 2023 06:43 PM IST

A Reddit user shared a post about their boss asking them to work less and not reply to every email. The post has garnered many's attention.

There are several stories on the Internet where employees have addressed their ordeals at the workplace. From sharing about bosses who make them overwork to telling about their toxic workplace environment, many such stories catch the attention of many. However, in recent turn of events, a Redditor’s post on how their boss wants them to work less has left people speechless.

The post about a boss asking an employee to work less has grabbed the attention of many.(Unsplash)
The post about a boss asking an employee to work less has grabbed the attention of many.(Unsplash)

Also Read: Boss asks employee to train replacement on last day of work

What did the boss say to the employee?

In a post made by Reddit user @cryptoman9420, they shared how their boss asked them to work less. They wrote, “I am the type of person to go above and beyond. I like to work, and I want to bring the best I can to the team and give it my all. I tend to work very fast and complete my assignments very quickly and effectively. My boss will dump work on me and I end up completing it within a couple of hours, something that takes him a week to do.”

They further added, “My boss informed me to please stop replying to so many emails and that it would be better to leave some emails unanswered and as well to try and work slower. He says I should be doing all this or else people will expect more from the team. He has told me to try not to go all in, I know you like your job and everything but you are going wild with this, and it's starting to affect the ethics in the office. So I am being told to work less, so confused. I was given a verbal warning.”

Take a look at the post below:

This post was shared just a few hours ago. Since being posted, it has been liked more than 3,000 times. The share has also received several likes and comments.

Check out what are people saying about this post here:

An individual wrote, “He does not want the entire group to HAVE to work like you, that makes sense. Some do not see the work as being more important than the life.” A second shared, “Do you respond to each and every single email with things like 'thank you' or 'ok'? Not every email needs a response. You may be flooding people's inboxes with unimportant replies.” A third commented, “Listen to your boss. In fact. Spend at least 2 days a week doing some self-study and apply for certifications in your industry to make you more rounded. Believe the guys who went above and beyond for decades and all they had at the end was stress and heartache.”

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