Killer whale cub gets rescued in Russia. Video sure to melt hearts
BySohini Sengupta
Nov 25, 2021 05:38 PM IST
This video shows a successful rescue mission of a killer whale cub who later reunites with his family.
The videos showcasing humans putting in efforts to save animals in distress are always satisfying to watch. Just like this clip involving a killer whale cub. The video shows people helping a stuck killer whale cub who is unable to go back into the ocean by himself.
This killer whale cub gets rescued in Russia by a group of committed rescuers. (Jukin Media)
This whale cub got stuck aground in Gertner Bay near Magadan in Russia. In the video, the viewers can clearly see that rescuers - including firefighters and volunteers - working tirelessly for several hours to return the distressed cub back into the deep waters. By the end of the video, via a breathtaking aerial shot, the cub is seen swimming back and eventually reuniting with his family.
Watch the heartwarming rescue video right here:
What are your thoughts on this rescued killer whale cub’s reunion with his family?