Trinamool Congress (TMC) spokesperson and general secretary of the party's youth wing, Debangshu Bhattyacharya, originally wrote the lyrics for the 'Khela hobe' jingle. In an interview with the Hindustan Times, Bhattyacharya explained the lyrics of the popular war cry. Bhattyacharya also spoke about his plans after the West Bengal Assembly Elections. He said politics was never his long term plan. His only short term goal was to see Mamata Banerjee become the chief minister of West Bengal for the third time. Elections to the 294 assembly seats in West Bengal will be held in eight phases from March 27 to April 29. Votes will be counted on May 2. Watch the full video for more.
News/Videos/Election/ Meet the man behind Trinamool Congress’ ‘Khela Hobe’ war cry in West Bengal