Personal Agenda with Jonita Gandhi: The Breakup Song singer lets us in on her most personal details
May 03, 2020 03:20 AM IST
“At a live gig, you only have one chance to nail a song,” she confesses
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Jonita Gandhi reveals her most over-the-top Bollywood moment! Styling: Henna Akhtar Make-up and hair: Mallika Jolly(Amey Ghatge) Date of birth: October 23
Sun sign: Cusp of Libra and Scorpio
Place of birth: New Delhi
School/college: University of Western Ontario, Canada
First break: Chennai Express / Sonu Nigam live tour
High point of your life: Getting discovered by A.R. Rahman
Low point of your life: Moving away from my family in Canada
Most used app: Instagram
On speed dial: My mom
First song on Spotify: Taajub Hai
Most used filter on Instagram: Paris / Sierra
Least used app: JetAirways App (Why do I still have it?!)
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News / Lifestyle / Brunch / Personal Agenda with Jonita Gandhi: The Breakup Song singer lets us in on her most personal details
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