The social media war between Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate Gul Panag and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate, Kirron Kher is far from over. Days after Panag and Kher took digs at each other over their age, Panag in an indirect reference to Kirron and other BJP leaders accused them of violating the model code of conduct during polls by putting messages and pictures on Twitter and Facebook.
The social media war between Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate Gul Panag and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate, Kirron Kher is far from over. Days after Panag and Kher took digs at each other over their age, Panag in an indirect reference to Kirron and other BJP leaders accused them of violating the model code of conduct during polls by putting messages and pictures on Twitter and Facebook.
“Thank you for your love and support. We did not tweet since 1700 hrs on April 8 following the model code of conduct, unlike others,” Gul posted on Twitter, without naming anybody.
BJP leaders had, on April 9 as well as on April 10, put messages and pictures on Facebook and Twitter accounts about their activities. In one of the pictures posted on twitter by Kirron, she was accompanying her father to a polling booth in Sector- 8 on polling day. The photo later went viral. In another instance, Kirron on April 9 had taken a dig at Bansal. ‘Promises were being made for the past 15 years,’ she had stated.
Panag also appears to have taken exception to BJP Chandig arh chief Sanjay Tandon putting photos of himself and Anupam Kher on Twitter on polling day, which were shared by many.
Both visited a number of booths together and from almost every booth, pictures of Anupam Kher and Sanjay Tandon were posted on Twitter and Facebook in real-time.
The AAP has also taken exception to advertisements put out by Congress and BJP in dailies on April 9 and April 10.
“We will be writing to the Election Commission. Bansal made an appeal on Facebook from his official page on April 9 which went on to clarify in great detail his questionable stand in Railgate. ” Gul said.