Accompanied by Amritsar chief agriculture officer Jatinder Singh Gill and Majitha agriculture officer Tajinder Singh, the central team led by Dr Ashishpal and Dr Rajat Chohal visited the fields, especially those where PUSA-1509 variety had been grown.
A team of the Union agriculture ministry, along with Punjab agriculture and farmer welfare department officials, carried out field visits to assess crop damage due to rain over the past few days.
Accompanied by Amritsar chief agriculture officer Jatinder Singh Gill and Majitha agriculture officer Tajinder Singh, the central team led by Dr Ashishpal and Dr Rajat Chohal visited the fields, especially those where PUSA-1509 variety had been grown. Gill said the crop flattening will not only delay harvesting but may cause discolouration of grain as well. He said crop on around 4,000 acres in the region has been damaged.
Tarn Taran chief agriculture officer Surinder Singh said there was no severe damage to paddy crop in the district, but they have got reports of the damage to pea crop in some areas. “We have sent our teams to assess the damage,” he said.
He further said harvesting of the 1509 variety of basmati may also be delayed due to the rain.