In the orders, PGIMER director Dr Vivek Lal said, “It has been observed that the staff members, including faculty, resident doctors, students, nursing and paramedical staff, are neither wearing proper apron and uniform nor identity cards.”
With the contract killing attempt at PGIMER’s Nehru Hospital exposing security chinks at the premier medical institute, the hospital authorities on Thursday directed its staff and doctors to wear proper uniform and identity cards at work.
In the orders, PGIMER director Dr Vivek Lal said, “It has been observed that the staff members, including faculty, resident doctors, students, nursing and paramedical staff, are neither wearing proper apron and uniform nor identity cards. This conduct has been viewed seriously. All staff members of the institute are directed to abide by the rules by wearing the apron, uniform and identity cards.”
On November 15, an unidentified woman had entered the gynaecology ward on the third floor of Nehru Hospital, D Block, and administered an unknown injection to a patient.
A resident of Rajpura, the patient, Harmeet Kaur, 25, was admitted to an ICU at PGIMER with kidney problems after giving birth to a boy on November 3. She was shifted to the gynaecology ward on November 13.
Six days later, Chandigarh Police arrested the accused, Jaspreet Kaur, who was allegedly hired by the patient’s brother, Jasmeet Singh, to kill her for marrying a man of a different caste.
Jasmeet, along with two accomplices, have also been arrested. As per police probe, the trio had handed Jaspreet a syringe with a cocktail of sanitiser, mosquito killer spray and sleeping pills to eliminate Harmeet, who is currently on ventilator support after her condition deteriorated.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Days after murder bid on patient, PGIMER warns staff not wearing uniform, ID