Women of Uttar Pradesh voice hope over safety advisory
UP Women’s Commission’s new advisory has drawn its fair share of views, debates and discussions
The UP Women’s Commission’s new advisory has drawn its fair share of views, with voices arguing whether the move is a turning point for women safety or it’s an impractical step to implement.

The advisory by the commission would bar men from taking women’s measurements in tailoring shops, giving haircuts at salons, or training them in gyms. The authority says the decision was taken to ensure women’s safety.
The proposal, which is intended to prevent “bad touch” and curb the “ill intentions”, also proposes having women teachers or security guards in school buses. Also, CCTV and DVRs at the establishments should mandatorily be in working condition.
The UP Women’s Commission chairperson Babita Chauhan said the move will focus on women’s safety.
We spoke to a few city folk to know what they think of the proposal if it’s implemented at all.
Neelam Singh, corporate professional and mother of two teenage daughters, said, “It’s a great initiative and I hope it is implemented soon. My daughters are regular at the yoga centre for early morning classes, and of course, salons and tailors too are visited at intervals.
Having female support staff will surely be more convenient. When one of my daughters misses her yoga class for some reason, the other has to drop out too, as they only have male staff for the morning session.”
Dolly Rastogi, owner of a salon and make-up centre said, “The move is surely welcome but creativity cannot be gender bound. Safety is in our hands at the end of the day. At both our service centres, we already have divided our staff. Only when a male or female is comfortable to take services from their choice of beautician that we go ahead, even for basic haircuts. Female staff strictly handle sessions for young girls. I have been in the business for over two decades and a mother, so I know women’s safety should not be taken lightly.”
Tailor shop owner Suraj Sushil Kumar, who runs two boutiques one at Aminabad and the other at Lalbagh, said, “There is nothing wrong with the proposal but it’s not always we can have female staff. Phir uski bhi toh safety hume hi dekhni hogi. If clients are not comfortable in giving measurements that is absolutely fine with us. An old garment that fits well will do just fine for measurements. Women’s safety should be a priority for every citizen, not only limited to tailors or barbers.”
Lucknow University, BA students and friends Uzma Rahi and Vinita R Jain feel it will be a great by the authorities. “With cases of bad touch on the rise, even toddlers are not safe in pre-schools. Such a step has surely brought into focus the importance of women’s safety in every aspect
of life. Gyms, salons and school buses are surely easy ground so with the steps taken it will reduce unsavoury incidents. Surely a path breaking move,” says Rahi.
Jain adds, “CCTV toh bahut zaroori hai. I fail to understand why establishments in large numbers do not have cameras in working conditions. Hope ab iispe bhi kaam kara jayega.”