Veteran Bollywood actor Om Puri has tendered an unconditional apology to Parliament after facing privilege notice for slamming MPs during social activist Anna Hazare's Ramlila ground agitation in August. Saubhadra Chatterji reports.
Veteran Bollywood actor Om Puri has tendered an unconditional apology to Parliament after facing privilege notice for slamming MPs during social activist Anna Hazare's Ramlila ground agitation in August.
Puri has also given a written undertaking that in future he will maintain good behaviour and conduct before Parliament and its members.
Seeking pardon for his unintended mistake, Puri, a Padmashree, said in his letter to Lok Sabha, "I have highest regards for Parliament and cannot imagine saying or doing anything which would undermine the dignity and prestige of Parliament and its members."
Eleven members had moved a privilege motion against Puri, after he dubbed parliamentarians as "anpadh (illiterate)" and said "sab neta chor hain (all politicians are thieves)" in his now infamous speech in Hazare's support.
While a privilege motion against the actor is pending before Lok Sabha, sources in the Parliament told HT, Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar may close the case and pardon Puri.
While Team Anna's pressure tactics have often come under attack for undermining democratic system and institutions, Puri, who was invited by Team Anna to the Ramlila Gropund agitation, has also accepted the supremacy of Parliament: "I am a law abiding citizen having full faith in the democratic institutions and the supremacy of Parliament."
During the monsoon session, a privilege motion was moved against Om Puri and Kiran Bedi for using "derogatory and defamatory" language against politicians. During the last session, the Lok Sabha speaker said the issue was under her consideration before the session came to an end.
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