Natasha Ni Gairbheith
Natasha Ni Gairbheith
Natasha comes from a little village by the name of Gweedare, which is on the north west coast of Donegal. She has just completed a 3 year Law and Politics degree at the National University of Ireland, her ambition is to become a successful Barrister. Natasha enjoys debating and was captain of her schools debating team for five years and won many competitions, she also enjoys poetry and won an overall first prize for two consecutive years. One of her greatest passions is singing and dancing, she loves to participate in theatre productions, especially musicals. Other leisure activities / hobbies include: Tennis, basketball, baseball, acting and Irish dancing. (
Age: 21
Height: 171
Occupation: Student
Home: Gweedore
Title: Miss Ireland 2004
Last Placement: Miss World (2003)