41 new diarrhoea cases surface at Giaspura, 18 hospitalised
On Sunday, 90 patients, including 33 children of aged group 0-10 visited the medical camp until 4 pm. Of them, 41 patients were suffering from diarrhoea while remaining patients were reeling under the fever, acidity and other health problems.
A total of 41 new confirmed cases of diarrhoea were reported due to water contamination on Sunday at the medical camp organised by the health department at Makkar Colony in Giaspura. 18 of them were referred to community health centre, Sahnewal, and civil hospital, Ludhiana.

On Sunday, 90 patients, including 33 children of aged group 0-10 visited the medical camp until 4 pm. Of them, 41 patients were suffering from diarrhoea while remaining patients were reeling under the fever, acidity and other health problems.
The patients, including fivemonth-old Roshan, one-year-old gracy, five-year-old Sunita, 26-year-old Basanta Devi, 30-year-old Nisha, 36-year-old Guddi among others were hospitalised. The patients complained of loose motions, vomiting and dehydration.
A total of 290 diarrhoea cases have surfaced in Giaspura areas, including Makkar Colony, Samrat Colony and Guru Teg Bahadur Nagar since Friday. Of them, 49 patients were hospitalised in last three days.
According to sources, around 200 diarrhoea patients are taking treatment from private hospitals and clinics but the health department has not prepared a list of such patients
41 New diarrhoea patients at medical camp
18 Patients hospitalised on Sunday
550 Chlorine tablets distributed
152 ORS packets distributed
290 Total diarrhoea patients in last three days
Basanta Devi on Sunday morning was shivering and lying on a school bench at Vikas Public School, where the medical camp is being organised because no stretcher or bed was available for patients.
She was forced to wait for an ambulance for one hour. When ambulance did not reach the medical camp, she along with other patients was taken to the CHC, Sahnewal, in an official vehicle.
Guddi Devi, whose condition was also serious, was forced to wait for ambulance. She was even vomiting at the camp.
The health department has decided to run medical camp 24 hours at Makkar Colony unlike earlier.
Deputy commissioner Pardeep Kumar Aggrawal has instructed the department to take necessary steps to control the situation immediately. He ordered that daily reports should be submitted to his office until control of the disease .He said that health workers making aware masses through meetings and door-todoor campaign being run from the day first. Chlorine tablets are also being distributed. More than dozen of teams are working actively.
ADC Ajay Sood also visited to check arrangements at the medical camp and affected areas of Giaspura.
Health and family welfare minister Brahm Mohindra said that he is monitoring the camp and required steps are being taken to control the situation.
Municipal corporation executive engineer Harmesh Lal said, “Our teams keep cleaning the water supply lines in the area. The damaged pipeline was repaired on Saturday, he added.