The accused have been identified as Bhugan Ram, Suraj Singh and inspector Siya Ram, all residents of Rajasthan. They were produced before a local court in Sirsa on Monday, which sent them to one-day police remand.
The anti-narcotic cell of Sirsa police arrested three persons, including an inspector of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and recovered 80 kg of poppy husk from their possession.
The accused have been identified as Bhugan Ram, Suraj Singh and inspector Siya Ram, all residents of Rajasthan. They were produced before a local court in Sirsa on Monday, which sent them to one-day police remand.
Sirsa superintendent of police (SP) Vikran Bhushan said the anti-narcotic cell personnel were checking vehicles on Sunday night and a car with Rajasthan registration number was asked to stop.
“On checking, five bags containing 80 kg of poppy husk were seized from the car. CRPF inspector Siya Ram, who was posted at NSG Manesar, was heading towards Sirsa from Fatehabad side along with others. The inspector was on leave and was smuggling poppy husk along with his two aides. They were taken to one-day police remand, and we will ascertain from where they purchased this contraband and where they were going to sell it. A case under the NDPS Act has been registered against them,” the SP added.