Former chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi has been summoned by the vigilance bureau to appear in a probe related to disproportionate assets on Friday. The bureau has prepared a source report on Channi?s assets and will compare it to his list of assets. The investigation is related to the amassing of wealth beyond declared sources of income by Channi, his family members, and his aides.
Former chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi has been asked by the vigilance bureau (VB) to appear in a probe related to disproportionate assets (DA) on Friday.
Channi, who was summoned to join the probe on Wednesday, expressed his inability to join the investigation through an email. The VB, issuing fresh summons, has asked Channi to join the probe at 10 am at VB headquarters in Mohali.
The bureau is reported to have prepared a source report on Channi’s assets and when he appears, a list of assets he owns will be requested and compared to the source report. On March 7, the VB had issued a lookout circular against Channi, apprehending that he may fly abroad.
The assets of Channi, his family members and his aides are being investigated for allegedly amassing more wealth than their declared sources of income.
The VB probe is also linked to the arrest of a property dealer from Kharar, who had worked closely with Channi and his family, said a VB official.
Last year, Channi’s nephew Bhupinder Singh Honey was arrested by the enforcement directorate with ₹ 10 crore, which was suspected to have been obtained by helping mining contractors and for transfer and postings of officials.
Channi has denied any wrongdoing and claims the arrest of his nephew was a vendetta orchestrated by central agencies.