Responding to the discussion on the matter raised by Randhir Sharma, chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said the government has taken prompt action in the case and an FIR has already been registered. If anyone is found guilty during the investigation, strict action will be taken against him, he said
The issue of Reckong Peo electrocution death in Kinnaur echoed in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly on Wednesday. BJP’s Randhir Sharma raised the issue of one Ajay Kumar’s death and demanded an investigation into the incident.
Responding to the discussion on the matter raised by Randhir Sharma, chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said the government has taken prompt action in the case and an FIR has already been registered. If anyone is found guilty during the investigation, strict action will be taken against him, he said.
The chief minister told the House that after working on the red and blue phases of the 22 KV line, while working on the yellow phase, Ajay Kumar slipped and Praveen got hold of him. After this, Ajay Kumar was brought down from the top of the pole by other members of the team and taken to Reckong Peo civil hospital, where doctors declared him dead.
Sukhu said the FIR regarding the incident was lodged in Reckong Peo on December 4. He said that according to the preliminary report of the senior executive engineer electricity board, the immediate cause of death appears to be electrocution due to induction generated by the extra high voltage line passing in the vicinity of the 22 KV New Kinnaur feeder.
The preliminary autopsy report from Civil Hospital Reckong Peo lists the cause of death as cardiac arrest followed by electric shock. However, the final report will be given only after the bio-medical examination of the heart and blood, which is yet to come.
A committee has been constituted by superintending engineer (operations) Vrit Rampur to probe the technical aspects of this accident.
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News/Cities/Chandigarh/ Himachal assembly: Reckong Peo electrocution death issue echoes in House