The Haryana CM said the technical problems at the Khedar power plant, which is under prolonged shutdown for repairs, are being resolved and this plant will soon be made operational
Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said a 750MW power plant will be set up in Yamunanagar to help the state tide over power shortage.
Khattar also said the government is in negotiations with Adani Power Ltd for restoration of about 1,000MW power supply from Mundra power plant in the near future.
The chief minister, who was presiding over a meeting with the officers of the power distribution companies, said besides augmenting the generation of electricity, the power utilities are also improving the transmission system.
Khattar said the technical problems at the Khedar power plant, which is under prolonged shutdown for repairs, are being resolved and this plant will soon be made operational.
Khattar said after the onset of monsoon, there will be some reduction in power consumption. But till then, 3,000MW additional power will be required and for this, necessary arrangements are being made by the state government.
About 400MW power will be made available through a short-term forecasting model. Likewise, 500MW power supply will be made available on a short-term basis.