Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad exams will have photographs and details of students on admit cards matched with attendance sheets to prevent impersonation. The exams will be conducted at 229 centres across the state over 13 working days, with a total of 49,375 students registered for the exams.
For the first time, the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad examinations starting February 15 will witness photographs and details of students on admit cards being matched by the officials with the attendance sheets having photographs of each examinee against their names.
The new system has been implemented to prevent impersonation and negate possibilities of a solver appearing in the examination in place of a registered student in the Purva Madhyama (Class 10), Uttar Madhyama-I (Class 11) and Uttar Madhyama-II (Class 12) of the board, said state education department officials in the know of things.
Attendance sheets with photographs have been sent to all the districts already by the board to make this possible, they add. Confirming the development, Shiv Lal, secretary of UP Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad, said for the first time desk slips have also been sent to the districts so that proper arrangements can be made for the students to appear in the examination.
“The examinations will start from February 15 and continue till February 29 on 13 working days. The compulsory Sanskrit question paper is scheduled to be held on February 15 and the exams will conclude with English paper on February 29,” he added. UP Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad examinations will be conducted at 229 centres spread across the state in two shifts: From 8.30 am to 11.45 am and 2pm to 5.35 pm.
A total of 49,375 students are registered for the exams of all the three classes, including 19,191 (13,994 boys and 5,197 girls) in Purva Madhyama, another 17,608 (12,889 boys and 4,719 girls) in the Uttar Madhyama-I and 12,576 (9,278 boys and 3,298 girls) in the Uttar Madhyama-II level examinations. Around 1,740 students are registered for the exams in Prayagraj district for the Sanskrit board examinations. Seven centres have been set up for the exams here.
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News/Cities/Lucknow/ In a first, photo attendance sheets in U.P. Sanskrit Board exams