Black buck fawn rescued from dogs in Greater Noida
NEW DELHI: A black buck fawn, being chased by a pack of dogs, was rescued by Wildlife SOS, an NGO, in Greater Noida.

According to an official of the NGO, the WildlifeSOS Rapid Response Unit received a distress call on their 24-hour rescue helpline number on Sunday about an antelope fawn being chased by a pack of dogs in Greater Noida.
“On seeing the plight of the helpless animal, a passerby rushed to its rescue and immediately reported the incident to the forest department. The authorities then alerted us and a two-member rescue team was immediately sent to the location,” the official said.
Ayush Kumar, the resident who made the call, said, “I saw a couple of dogs chasing a small fawn as I was driving by. Though slightly shaken by the incident, it was thankfully unhurt.”
The animal was later identified as a black buck (antilope cervicapra), an antelope species native to and found in the Indian subcontinent. This species is protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and is categorised as near threatened according to the IUCN Red Data List. The fawn is currently under the care of the organisation and will be released back into its natural habitat, once deemed fit.
Kartick Satyanarayan, co-founder of Wildlife SOS, said habitat loss and modification, extensive poaching and illegal wildlife trade are some of the major threats to the existence of this magnificent antelope.
“Often the plight of urban wildlife is dismissed because city dwellers consider them to be a nuisance. We are working towards changing this attitude by sensitising people about the presence of urban wildlife,” he said.
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