Dangling trees in Safdarjung Enclave need urgent pruning
Overgrown tall trees have become a safety threat for those living in Safdarjung Enclave. People in block B-2 are living in fear as some of the trees have bent dangerously low or at odd angles, and may fall anytime. The heavy branches lie entangled with electric cables and hang over lamp posts leaving streets dark. Residents have been waiting for these trees to be pruned for the past five years while the civic agency tells they don’t have machines available for trees above 30 feet.

Residents said that last year an old tree fell on a vehicle and damaged it. A few trees having grown taller than four and five-storeyed buildings are in need of urgent pruning. Heavy branches hang low in balconies and even slight showers send them swinging.
“We are fortunate that no casualty has taken place so far, but we want the agency take urgent action. We have been complaining to the SDMC’s horticulture department for the past five years, but they keep telling us that they don’t have the required apparatus or that they have not been granted permission by the forest department,” said JR Gupta, resident.
While light pruning of low and medium height trees is done, the taller trees posing a hazard are left every year, he added. The RWA has sent numerous complaints to the horticulture department in this regard, but all in vain.
“There is one skytop machine for each zone and 12-foot pruners for lower trees. We are also in the process of getting a new tree-top machine for trees as tall as four-storey buildings and above. At times the machine is in for repair. However, the delay is caused in seeking permission from the forest department. We have permissions pending in cases we had sent for approval last year. The forest department lacks technical staff for the work and the cases keep piling up,” said an SDMC official.
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