From Sept, extend flat without asking your neighbour
The municipal corporation of Delhi (MCD) will start receiving applications for floor-wise sanctioning of building plans from next month.
The municipal corporation of Delhi (MCD) will start receiving applications for floor-wise sanctioning of building plans from next month.

The civic agency had drafted a final policy in this regard, which was put up on their website for seeking suggestions and objections from residents.
"We have received a total of 150 suggestions/objections. We will scrutinise all of them and incorporate those in the final policy. We will be tabling the policy in front of the Standing Committee in September," said a senior MCD official.
A number of properties in the city will benefit from floor-wise sanctioning as a number of property owners, who have bought individual floors but are unable to make any alterations unless other owners give them no objection certificates (NOCs). After this policy comes into effect, each house will be an independent unit.
"We had sent queries related to floor-wise sanctioning to the Delhi Development Authority too. The last date for receiving suggestions and objections was August 15. We have been asked to table the proposal soon," added the official.
Currently, ground plus three floors are allowed in most parts of the city but the owner of the uppermost floor needs to obtain an NOC from the owners of other floors if he or she wants to build an extra floor or carry out any repair work. MCD officials said that it has been receiving a lot of complaints from residents across the city. "Thousands of applications are pending with the MCD for floor-wise sanctioning of building plans but as a policy for the same had not been framed, we couldn't do anything about it," said the official.
While as per the sale deed each owner has the floor in his name, but when it comes to getting a building plan sanctioned the civic agency treats the entire plot as one and does not entertain individual applications.
"We had framed a policy a few years back but that was revised later and floor-wise sanctioning was not allowed. The lieutenant governor was approached for this and now depending on individual cases we will entertain applications as per the policy," added the official.
However, the building plan will only be sanctioned if the building is certified as structurally sound by a competent authority.
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