NIOS Exams 2022: Class 10, 12 practical exam date sheets released, check here
NIOS has released practical exam date sheets for Class 10, 12. Candidates can check the time table given below.
National Institute of Open Schooling has released the practical exam date sheet for Class 10, 12. Candidates who will be appearing for the Class 10, 12 board examinations can check the time table through the official site of NIOS on

The practical examination for Secondary and Senior Secondary courses are scheduled to be conducted from September 16, 2022 at AIs/ examination centres for All India and overseas learners. The examination will begin on September 16 and will conclude on October 1, 2022.
The hall tickets for the practical examinations will be available to candidates in the first week of September 2022. The date sheet for theory exam will be released by the end of August 2022.
As per the official notice, the attendance sheets for practical examinations will be made available on NIOS portal which can be downloaded by practical examination centres. The internal assessment and practical examination marks will be uploaded at NIOS portal during conduct of practical examinations on daily basis by the practical examinations centres.