
APSC CCE Result: Chiranjeev Phukan tops ACS, Partha Pratim Sarmah in ACS; women dominate top 10 list

Dec 05, 2024 09:50 PM IST

APSC CCE Result 2024: Seven out of the top ten rankers for ACS and four out of the top ten for APS are women candidates.

APSC CCE Result 2024: Chiranjeev Phukan has topped the Assam Public Service Commission's (APSC) Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) for the Assam Civil Service (ACS) junior grade, with results announced today, December 5.

APSC CCE Result: Chiranjeev Phukan tops ACS, Partha Pratim Sarmah in ACS (official website)
APSC CCE Result: Chiranjeev Phukan tops ACS, Partha Pratim Sarmah in ACS (official website)

Partha Pratim Sarmah is the topper for the Police Service, Junior grade (APS).

Also read: APSC CCE Results 2023 released at, here's direct link to check

Notably, seven out of the top ten rankers for ACS and four out of the top ten for APS are women candidates. Here is the list of thetop ten rank holders-

Assam Civil Service, junior grade toppers

  1. Chiranjeev Phukan
  2. Anisha Buragohain
  3. Himadri Jita Bora
  4. Mrigakhi Baruah
  5. Tutumani Kakati
  6. Mridusmita Ray
  7. Mary Kalita
  8. Diksha Sarkar
  9. Nilam Garg
  10. Ankita Chettri

Assam Police Service junior grade toppers

  1. Partha Pratim Sarmah
  2. Annesha Duarah
  3. Bijoy Ahmed
  4. Nilupta Saharia
  5. Sunayana Sabhapandit
  6. Amit Khanal
  7. Sudakshina Deka
  8. Bikash Nandan Bora
  9. Debasish Kalita
  10. Vidisha Bora

The interview (personality test) round for the APSC CCE 2024 was held from November 13 to 29, 2024. The final result has been prepared based on the candidates performance in the mains written examination and the interview/personality test.

In total, 45 candidates have been recommended for ACS, 35 for APS, one for Superintendent of Taxes, one for Superintendent of Excise, 13 for Assam Finance Service, six for Block Development Officer, four for Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, four for Inspector of Taxes, four for Inspector of Labour, one for Assistant Employment Officer, three for Sub-Registrar, 107 for Assistant Accounts Officer and 11 for Inspecting Auditor (Elementary Education).

Check the result below.

How to check APSC CCE final result 2024

  1. Go to the commission's website,
  2. Open the CCE final result link given under the latest news tab.
  3. Download the PDF and check your result using your name or roll number.

For further details, candidates can visit the commission's official website.

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