Unlock 4.0: Schools, colleges and other educational institutions to remain closed till September 30
Ministry of Home Affairs has notified that schools, colleges, other educational institutions will remain closed up to September 30 in view of Covid-19 pandemic.
Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday released the Unlock 4.0 guidelines. It notified that schools, colleges and other educational institutions will remain closed up to September 30 in view of Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, students of classes 9 to 12 may be allowed to visit schools outside Containment Zones on voluntary basis with parents’ written consent, for taking guidance from their teachers.
“States and UTs may permit upto 50% of teaching and non- teaching staff to be called to the schools at a time for online teaching/ tele- counselling related work in areas outside containment zones only with effect from 21st September 2020 for which SOP will be issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,” the guidelines read.
Skill or entrepreneurship training will also be permitted in National Skill Training Institutes, Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), short term training centres registered with National Skill Development Corporation or State Skill Development Missions or other ministries of Government of India or state. National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) and their training providers will also be permitted from September 21 for which SOP will be issued by MoHFW.
Watch | Unlock 4: States’ lockdown power curbed; 1st step to school reopening
Higher Education Institutions only for research scholars (PhD) and post-graduate students of technical and professional programmes requiring laboratory or experimental works will also be permitted by the department of higher education in consultation with MHA, based on the assessment of the situation in states and UTs.