Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said all cycle rickshaws in the state would soon be replaced with e-rickshaws. For this, the government plans to conduct a survey to get a total count of cycle rickshaws in Haryana.
Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said all cycle rickshaws in the state would soon be replaced with e-rickshaws.
For this, the government plans to conduct a survey to get a total count of cycle rickshaws in Haryana.
The move is part of the Haryana government’s effort to stop the practice of pulling rickshaws, Khattar said. According to the CM, people should work hard to earn a livelihood but, pulling the weight of others is equal to exploitation.
The CM said this while handing over 50 battery-operated e-rickshaws to cycle rickshaw pullers in Karnal on Saturday. This project has cost the state government Rs 54 lakh. The CM drove an e-rickshaw to promote the scheme, under which rickshaw pullers who are aged, and used to rent out the vehicles, have been selected.
The Haryana government would introduce the scheme in other cities if it is successful in Karnal, Khattar said.
Under the scheme, a beneficiary would have to pay 10% of the cost of the e-rickshaw.
The CM also directed officials concerned to reserve e-rickshaws for women commuters.
Karnal deputy commissioner J Ganeshan said the initiative was a step towards making Karnal a smart and a cycle rickshaw-free city.
Chief parliamentary secretary Bakshish Singh Virk, officer on special duty Amrinder Singh, Karnal mayor Renu Bala Gupta, senior officers of the district administration and police officers, among other dignitaries of the Haryana government, were present at the lunch of the initiative.
Earlier, Kahttar had inaugurated an e-rickshaw charging kendra of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Rikshaw Chalak Kalyan Samiti in Karnal.
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