
The 'Retired' Life

PTI | ByVeena Minocha, New Delhi
May 14, 2004 12:40 PM IST

Recognize the Primordial Laws of Creation! The basis of all of them is Motion. Right Motion is focused on creating perfection in the Universe.

The intellectual goal of most people today is a comfortable restful life. To this end, humans are constantly pondering on their 'retirement' from active jobs, as a heaven sent opportunity to escape the humdrum existence they have led through most of their adult life, in jobs or professions which have never really satisfied their souls.

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Recognize the Primordial Laws of Creation! The basis of all of them is Motion. Motion of the right kind, motion that is directed towards, and consciously focused, on creating perfection in the Universe. It was only through Motion that Existence was created.

It is only through Motion that the Universe embraced the Laws of Preservation and Restoration. So it logically follows that when man thinks of 'retirement', it is an unnatural act which is designed to keep him stationary amongst the life giving animating movement of the world around him.

Such a man will definitely be cast off by the Law of Rhythmic Creation as being an over-ripe fruit, because all the swinging motion around him is much stronger than the movement within himself. Such a man is bound to fall sick and go into a decline, even if he has been the healthiest person all his working life.

Taking long walks to keep himself physically fit proves a useless exercise, unless he allows his spirit to swing along at a regular pace. And it is only a definite goal which moves the spirit that can bring about this spiritual swinging! It must therefore be a goal of the Spiritual Realm, ethereal in nature, standing above what is earthly, a goal which towers high above this life!

The goal must Live, must be Alive, for it to provide the sustenance for  maintaining the momentum of life. When man knows, that in the evening of his life, he is about to enter the beyond, should not that provide the impetus for furthering eternal values, those beautiful gems of the spirit which will move beyond the transitory?

A spiritual goal is one that contains furthering values, leaving behind all the useless materialistic striving that he has done all his life, when his wings were tightly folded inwards. The 'retired' life is the glorious time to take complete charge of spiritual health, to be in consonance with the melodies of motion around him.

To become the Man who unfolds his wings before God, asking for Creation to give him the chance to wear a dignified garment of spiritual radiance, through deeds which have enduring value in the world beyond. Therefore he must acquaint himself with the true spiritual Laws of Life, and adjust his movements accordingly!

This is a Spiritual Healing of all fractured thoughts, words and actions that have taken precedence in his life of working for materialistic ends. When the turning point comes, and he is ready to swing forward into spiritual action, then only is his physical body fitter and more responsive to dealing with reversing the trend of a declining motion.

Then the 'upward' motion starts, instead of the normal lateral one, pressing him into luminous worlds, where mind body and soul become one with the Everlasting Spirit of the Universe!

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