Hyderabadi rapper Ruhaan Arshad, who took YouTube by storm with his rap song “Miya Bhai” a couple of years ago, has announced that he is quitting music which he realised is “haraam” (prohibited) in Islam. He took to his YouTube channel – “Ruhaan Arshad official” and said he had taken the decision to quit music as per the “hidayat” (guidance) and “ishara” (signal) from Allah. Stating that he had been able to reach a higher position in his life only because of the music, Arshad said it was the god’s willing that he should quit music. He appealed to his followers on YouTube to support him in his decision and help him in deciding the content that is not sinful. Watch this video for more.
News/Videos/News/ 'Music is haraam': 'Miya Bhai' rapper Ruhaan Arshad quits music due to Islam