Pakistan wants to buy fuel from Russia. It has to be given at 'India rate'
Pakistan finance minister Ishaq Dar hoped that the West will not have any problem with Pakistan buying discounted oil from Russia at a time the country is fighting the challenges of the devastating flood.
Pakistan finance minister Ishaq Dar who is on an official visit to the United States said the country is ready to buy fuel from Russia if the same rate that India is paying is applicable to Pakistan as well. The West would have no problem with Pakistan importing discounted fuel, the minister said, adding that the country is reeling under the devastating impact of the floods.

The day Russia attacked Ukraine, former Pakistan PM Imran Khan was in Moscow and the timing of his visit was not accepted well by the United States. Later, Imran Khan blamed the US as he was thrown out of power and time and again praised India for negotiating fuel prices with Russia -- ignoring the pressure from other countries. He also said his visit to Moscow was a pre-scheduled meeting and he got the go-ahead from the military to continue with his visit where he was hoping to negotiate cheaper fuel for Pakistan.
Pakistan is the 35th largest importer of crude petroleum in the world and in 2020-21, it imported $1.92B worth of crude oil.
Pakistan clearing its intent to buy oil from Russia comes after Pakistan's ambassador to Moscow Shafqat Ali Khan said the country is looking to buy wheat from Russia . "...Russia has emerged as a new supplier for us. Earlier, it used to be different other countries. We look to Russia as a long-term, stable partner when it comes to food supplies for us," the ambassador said.
The US-Pakistan ties saw one of their lowest moments in recent times after US President Joe Biden said Pakistan is one of the most dangerous nations -- with nuclear weapons without any cohesion. Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif condemned the statement and said Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state.