Obama asks supporters not to slow down
Despite various polls showing Democrat Presidential nominee Barack Obama leading the race for November 4 elections, he has refused to slow down and asked his supporters to keep the momentum of the campaign going.
Despite various polls showing Democrat Presidential nominee Barack Obama leading the race for November 4 elections, he has refused to slow down and asked his supporters to keep the momentum of the campaign going.

Obama, unmindful of the fact that Virginia now seems to be in his column after a gap of 44 years, is campaigning vigorously in the so-called Red State reminding voters to be reflective of where it (campaign) all started and how the process has come down to where it is now.
The Illinois senator reminded his supporters of when he launched his campaign in Springfield Illinois two years ago with precious little to go by.
"... Back then, we didn't have much money; we didn't have many endorsements; we weren't given much of a chance by the polls and the pundits. But I also knew this: I knew that the size of our challenges had outgrown the smallness of our politics," Obama said at a rally in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
"21 months later, my faith in the American people has been vindicated. That's how we've come so far, how we've come so close, because of you. And that's why we can't afford to slow down, or sit back, or let up one day, one minute, one second in this last week, not now, not when there's so much at stake, not when the issues we face are so important," he said.
"I believed that Democrats and Republicans and Americans of every political stripe, that they were hungry for new ideas, and new leadership, and a new kind of politics, one that favours common sense over ideology, one that focuses on those values and ideals that we hold in common," he said.
Obama also pitched for belief and ability to make change happen saying he knew that the American people were a decent, generous people who are willing to work hard and sacrifice for future generations.
"I was convinced that, when we come together, our voices are more powerful than the most entrenched lobbyists, or the most vicious political attacks, or the full force of the status quo in Washington that wants to keep things just the way they are.
"We're in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression; 7,60,000 workers have lost their jobs since the beginning of this year. Families and businesses can't get credit. Home values are plummeting. Pensions are disappearing. Wages are lower than they've been in a decade at a time when the cost of everything have all skyrocketed" Obama pointed out.
Most national surveys have the African American first term Senator leading by anywhere between six to fourteen points; but some polls are seeing a tightening in the last week with the Illinois Democrat's lead over Senator McCain coming to within four or five points.
The Illinois senator seems to be unfazed by the hard hitting comments of the Republicans and the political right wing over his so-called views on wealth re-distribution.
What is going for Senator Obama is that several surveys and the ground situation in the Mid West is swinging in his favour especially in so-called Red States of Ohio, Indiana and perhaps even taking a shot at Kentucky.
Latest polls are showing Senator Obama posting a comfortable lead, perhaps even in the double digits, in Pennsylvania--seen as a "must" state for either candidate to solidify his position on November 4.