Squirrel arrested after German woman complains
In a bizarre incident, a squirrel was arrested by police in Germany on Thursday after a woman complained that it was following her around.
In a bizarre incident, a squirrel was arrested by police in Germany on Thursday after a woman complained that it was following her around.

Police received an unusual emergency call from a young woman in Bottrop in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), complaining that while walking down the street in the west German city, she found herself being chased by the squirrel.
Unable to shake the animal off, she eventually called the police for help and an officer was quick to come to her aid.
After capturing the rodent, officers brought it back to the station, where it was discovered that the animal displayed symptoms of exhaustion.
The squirrel had been arrested and taken into custody, police said in a press release.
German police take squirrel in custody for stalking
Police say the squirrel will be transferred to a rescue centre once it has recovered its strength.
Bottrop: Eichhörnchen nach Verfolgung in Gewahrsam genommen Ein sehr ungewöhnlicher Notruf erreichte heute Morgen die Polizei in Bottrop. Ein Eichhörnchen verfolgte eine junge Frau an der Eichenstraße.Die Beamten stellten fest: das stimmt! Sie nahmen den Verfolger in Gewahrsam und brachten ihn zur Polizeiwache. Dort zeigte das Eichhörnchen erste Erschöpfungserscheinungen, denen die Beamten mit Apfelstücken und Honigtee entgegenwirkten. Frisch gestärkt soll es dann einer Auffangstation übergeben werden.----------------------#Polizei#Recklinghausen
Posted by Polizei NRW Recklinghausen on Wednesday, 15 July 2015