London’s newest glamour boy walks through a busy Mumbai flower market before lockdown and talks about his love for fashion and India.
Who would have thought that Michael Halpern, the newest glamour boy of world fashion, would leave the comfort of his swanky hotel to visit a local bazaar early in the morning? But the London-based New Yorker, who was in India late last year, apparently had the Dadar flower market at 5.30am on his to-do list! “I know India mostly through photographs and I have seen some amazing pictures of this place. There is so much colour…”
Fashion designer Michael Halpern says walking around in India is an assault to the senses.(Brahms Dirsipo)
“Tacky is part of my ethos! There needs to be humour in it. You can’t take yourself too seriously.”
Halpern says sometimes you dress to change, and not reflect, the times (Brahms Dirsipo)
“I know India mostly through photographs...There is so much colour…”