Of the 1.65 lakh eligible candidates across UP, only 72,044 were given admission by private schools, says director-general (school education)
LUCKNOW Only 50% of students eligible for admission to private schools under the Right to Education (RTE) Act made the cut this session. Of the 1.65 lakh eligible candidates across UP, only 72,044 were given admission by private schools, said Kanchan Verma, director-general (school education).
She wrote to all district magistrates, asking them to facilitate admission of poor children under RTE and issued instructions for action against erring schools. The authorities were directed to get all the remaining children enrolled at the earliest.
Government officials said the schools were demanding unnecessary documents from parents despite their children/wards’ selection after fulfilling all criteria. Verma said that schools were asking parents of these kids to deposit building fees and charges under other heads. “The schools are misleading parents that the names of their wards are missing from the list,” she added.
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News/Cities/Lucknow/ Act against schools denying admission to kids under RTE, DG tells DMs in Uttar Pradesh