As per reports, three-year-old girl Sanjana, 10-year-old boy Diwakar, Neeta, 55, and Motri Devi, 70, fell ill around a week ago after consuming water from a well at Prajapati Basti in Bhadwa village.
Four people, including two children, died within a week due to diarrhoea in Bhadwa village of Handia. Around two dozen individuals suffering from diarrhoea are admitted to hospitals for treatment.
It is alleged that deceased fell ill after consuming polluted water. Health department teams are now distributing medicines in the affected areas and urging people not to consume water from local water bodies.
As per reports, three-year-old girl Sanjana, 10-year-old boy Diwakar, Neeta, 55, and Motri Devi, 70, fell ill around a week ago after consuming water from a well at Prajapati Basti in Bhadwa village. The women died at their homes while the children died at the hospital.
Community Health Centre (Handia) in-charge, Dr Sudhir Kumar, said that two children have died of diarrhoea, but the reason behind the diarrhoea that led to their deaths is unclear. A primary inquiry indicates that the villagers were consuming water from a well, leading to suspicions that they fell ill after drinking polluted water. However, concrete conclusions can only be made after a proper inquiry, he added.
Locals claimed that despite complaints, no action was taken by the concerned officials. They also stated that there was only one well in the area used for drinking water. Those who consumed water from the well and are undergoing treatment at different hospitals include the locals named Satyam, Sundaram, Dilkhush, Diwakar, Deepanshu, Sangeeta, Sintu, Shabbu, Anand, Ritesh, Ranjit, Kusum, Laxmi, Sanjana, Prakash, Garima, Sanjeet, Lalit, Urmila, Jeetlal, Shiv, Akash, Pawan, and others.
On Monday evening, a team from the health department reached the village and distributed medicines among the locals. A week-long camp will also be organised in the village.
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News/Cities/Other Cities/ Four, including two children, die of diarrhoea in Handia; two dozen fall ill