
Is your child struggling with academics or lost interest in things? Know how to address mental health issues in children

Feb 06, 2025 08:06 AM IST

While some negative behaviours in children may be part of a normal development phase, some emotions can be concerning and need urgent attention. 

Is your child struggling academically or has experienced a recent decline in grades? Is he/she sleeping too much or too little or seem sleepy throughout the day? If yes, then there is a possibility that your child is going through a mental health issue and it is time for you to help him/her come out of it.

Knowing the symptoms of mental health issues in children is imperative for parents to address it. Some of the symptoms are mentioned below. (Photo credit: Pexels)
Knowing the symptoms of mental health issues in children is imperative for parents to address it. Some of the symptoms are mentioned below. (Photo credit: Pexels)

As per a report by the USA-based National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), although all children exhibit feelings of sadness, anxiousness, aggressiveness at times, or find it occasionally challenging to pay attention, such behaviours may also indicate a more serious problem in some.

In other words, although some behaviours are part of the developmental phase in children, there are other emotions that can be concerning, particularly in childhood. It is also understandable that distinguishing between the two may be hard.

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Before we look at how parents should address mental health issues in children, let's first look at types of mental disorders and a few symptoms.

Types of mental health issues in children

As per the report, several mental disorders can begin in childhood. These include the following:

  1. Anxiety disorders
  2. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  3. Depression and other mood disorders
  4. Eating disorders
  5. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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Know the symptoms:

According to the NIMH report, following are some of the symptoms of mental health issues among younger and older children:

  • Have frequent tantrums or are irritable much of the time
  • Often seem fearful or worried
  • Complain about frequent stomachaches or headaches with no known medical cause
  • Are in constant motion and cannot sit quietly (except when they are engaged in an activity they enjoy, such as watching videos or playing video games)
  • Sleep too much or too little, have frequent nightmares, or seem sleepy during the day
  • Are not interested in playing with other children or have difficulty making friends
  • Struggle academically or have experienced a recent decline in grades
  • Repeat actions or check things many times (for example, repeatedly checking to make sure a door is locked) out of fear that something bad may happen
  • Have lost interest in things that they used to enjoy
  • Have low energy
  • Sleep too much or too little or seem sleepy throughout the day
  • Have periods of highly elevated energy and activity and require much less sleep than usual
  • Spend more and more time alone and avoid social activities with friends or family
  • Diet or exercise excessively or fear gaining weight
  • Engage in self-harm behaviors (such as cutting or burning their skin)
  • Smoke, drink, or use drugs
  • Engage in risky or destructive behavior alone or with friends
  • Have thoughts of suicide
  • Say that they think someone is trying to control their mind or that they hear things that other people cannot hear

What should parents do to address mental health issues in children?

If your child is showing any of the symptoms cited above, he/she may be experiencing mental health issue. The good news is that it can be addressed by following few important steps:

  1. The National Institute of Mental Health suggests parents/guardians to consider seeking help if the child’s behavior or emotions last for weeks or longer, cause distress for the child or the family, or interfere with the child’s functioning at school, at home, or with friends.
  2. If the child’s behavior is unsafe, or if he/she talks about wanting to hurt themselves or someone else, seek help immediately.
  3. Be proactive and aware of your child’s mental health. Talk with others who frequently interact with the child. For example, ask the teachers about the child’s behavior in school, at daycare, or on the playground.
  4. Also talk with the child’s pediatrician or health care provider and describe the behavior and what you have observed and learned from talking with others.
  5. Parents/guardians can also ask the health care provider for a referral to a mental health professional with experience and expertise in evaluating and treating children, the report suggests.

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How can your child's school help?

As per the NIMH report, children who have behavioral or emotional challenges that interfere with success in school can benefit from plans or accommodations provided under laws that prevent discrimination against children with disabilities.

Parents may ask school authorities about the availability of an individualized education program (IEP). Such accommodations, according to the report, may include the following:

  1. Providing the child with a tape recorder for taking notes
  2. Allowing more time for tests
  3. Adjusting seating in the classroom to reduce distraction

For more relevant information, you may visit the official website of NHIM at

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