MP to make RTE admission online from this year
The Madhya Pradesh government will make from this year admission under Right to Education (RTE) Act online to end complaints of irregularities in the selection process, a top official said on Wednesday.
The Madhya Pradesh government will make from this year admission under Right to Education (RTE) Act online to end complaints of irregularities in the selection process, a top official said on Wednesday.

The RTE Act guarantees that every child has a right to full-time elementary education and mandates a minimum of 25% free seats for children belonging to weaker sections in all private unaided primary schools.
Application forms are filled in January but this year the school department said the process will be delayed this year as it found loopholes in the lottery system.
Rajya Shiksha Kendra (RSK) commissioner Deepti Gaur Mukherjee said back-end procedures of reimbursement were made online.
“Now, we want to create a fair and open system of admissions under the RTE Act,” Mukherjee said.
This year, there were allegations of fake admission to draw reimbursement of the 25% quota that the school department and the RSK provide to every child taking admission under the Act. RSK compensates approximately `3,500 for every child.
The number of admissions under RTE Act in Bhopal reached 30,000 in the past four years but sources said the children attending schools through this quota were much lesser.
Instead of manual lottery system, applications will now have to be filled online. The school education department ties up with National Informatics Centre to provide a portal for the same.
No one can directly register in the schools, and admissions forms will have to be filled through the medium of Sankul Kendras and Block Resource Centre Coordinator.
The RTE Act says documents like residence proof, birth certificate, distance certificate and BPL (Below Poverty Line) card or income certificate are to be submitted to avail of the quota.
Also, SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) and disability certificates will also have to be submitted if they are applicable.
The school, however, will have the final say and can refuse admission if the documents are not in order.
In 2014, Madhya Pradesh has 1,43,756 admission seats under RTE quota.
With this move, the state will join the ranks of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Rajasthan that have adopted the online admission process.
Punjab, Gujarat, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh are also planning to make the process online.