The Rehab singer apparently called Celebrity Rehab's Dr. Drew Pinsky several times prior to death, while he ignored her calls for help. The doctor recently revealed to the hosts of a Los Angeles radio show...
Is there a chance that Dr. Drew Pinsky of hit US TV Show Celebrity Rehab could have saved her life?
The doctor recently revealed to the hosts of a Los Angeles radio show that the singer had attempted to get in touch with him in the weeks before her death. He says he couldn't respond because of his busy schedule.
"I found out also yesterday that, believe it or not, she was trying to contact me, which is weird. Janice Dickinson told me that. I remember getting these calls from Europe and I was like, 'What the hell is this?' and Janice goes, 'It was .' We could have maybe gotten her over to someplace really good, but again, more sadness to that story," he told Kevin and Bean of KROQ.
Despite that fact that the 's autopsy was inconclusive, the doctor, who happens to be a little bit of a celebrity himself, claims that Amy couldn't have died of alcohol withdrawal as her parents would like to believe.
"It's not what she died of, I can virtually guarantee you but it's an interesting reminder to all of us that alcohol is the only drug from which the withdrawal is commonly fatal. You go down in a ball of fire. You get really really sick and you cease and you become encephalopathic and confused and your heart becomes erratic and it's not like you just drop dead like her parents are suggesting."
If the good doctors claims are true, then what a for want of some celeb rehab time.